Acupuncture is a form of holistic healing that uses hair-thin needles to balance the energy in your body. Southwest Integrative Medicine is your source for the Phoenix acupuncture or Scottsdale acupuncture you need for natural healing. This alternative medicine can help prevent or treat:
- Thyroid problems
- Back pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic pain management
- Cancer treatment
- Digestive disorders
- Skin conditions
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Sleep disorders
- Cold
- Flu
- Fatigue
Practiced in China for 2,000 years, acupuncture is a holistic healing option that can help bring harmony to your whole person - physically, mentally and spiritually. From fibromyalgia to back pain, acupuncture Phoenix or Scottsdale acupuncture can help, especially with chronic pain management associated with any number of ailments.
The thin needles inserted into your skin move energy, or "Qi," through a network of channels known as meridians.Phoenix acupuncture or Scottsdale acupuncture can 1) stimulate energy where there is a deficiency, 2) remove energy from a place where there is too much, or 3) stimulate energy to remove blocked energy. That's the essence of this holistic healing process, for chronic pain management, such as back pain, as well as conditions like fibromyalgia.
Your immune, endocrine system, and nervous systems will all benefit from the natural healing associated with Phoenix acupuncture or Scottsdale acupuncture. This alternative medicine option and its holistic healing benefits are available through Southwest Integrative Medicine, serving:
- Phoenix
- Scottsdale
- Fountain Hills
- Mesa
- Tempe
- Cave Creek
- Carefree
Give us a call or send us a message today!