Everything in life has rhythm; seasons change and the sun rises and sets each day. The human body is no exception. From the heart beat, to the breath, to mealtimes and bed times, there's an ebb and flow of energy. This tendency towards rhythmic patterns maintains balance. Holistic health practitioners have maintained this healthy balance for thousands of years using acupuncture for stress relief.
When natural rhythms become disrupted, and the body moves at an unhealthy tempo, things shift out of balance. The body becomes stressed and qi - or natural energy flow - can be hindered or blocked completely. Toxins accumulate and the body becomes depleted. Chronic stress allows discomfort and disease to manifest. Receiving acupuncture for stress realigns unhealthy patterns and resets the body's qi to its natural rhythm.
Long-term Affects of Chronic Stress
Humans evolved to follow Earth's rhythms. As technology has advanced, so have inventions that work to counter natural lifestyle patterns. Lights, computers, phone rings, deadlines - these things remove humans from their natural rhythm and cause the body to exist in a state of stress.
An animal's response to stress is referred to as the "fight-or-flight response". When activated, adrenaline is released, the heart rate accelerates, blood vessels constrict, digestion is inhibited, and so on. Long-term affects of a constant state of "fight-or-flight" are linked to a series of symptoms, all of which respond positively to acupuncture:
If you want to learn more about acupuncture for stress relief or other treatments from naturopathic physicians, click on the link below or visit our acupuncture phoenix for a free consultation on stress relief treatments.
Southwest Integrative Medicine
4045 East Bell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85032
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