Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Could a Detox Diet Be Just What the Doctor Ordered?

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Wed, Sep 28, 2016 @ 17:09 PM

Detox pills, shakes, and juices have been an on-again off-again fad for years, and most of them are more hype than help. But there's no denying that our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxic materials—in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, and even in the food we eat. A wide variety of potentially damaging chemicals constantly surround us, and find their way into our body disrupting your natural balance. This is especially true when toxins are allowed to build up for years without being effectively removed. So what do you do?

With normal and ideal detoxification your body will process the toxins and remove them through your sweat, breath, urine, and bowel movements. When there's too much toxic material, though, the toxins have an opportunity to build up more and more, and that can lead to serious health problems. Too much for one person may be perfectly fine for someone else. It all depends on your unique genetics and your bodies overall toxic burden.

Headaches, acne, digestive discomfort, allergies, autoimmune disorders, and even obesity can be exacerbated or caused by toxin buildup. A detox regimen can be incredibly helpful in reducing the toxic burden from your body's system, allowing it to work more efficiently. Once this barrier is removed or reduced, solving other problems and getting back to feeling great can be a whole lot easier.


Toxins Can Cause More Health Problems Than You Think

The world is full of potentially harmful substances and your body interacts with them every day. You've probably heard of carcinogens—substances that can cause cancer. A carcinogen is anything that can lead to cancer. What makes one substance a carcinogen and another not is it’s potential to alter cellular DNA and metabolism.  Not all “toxins”are carcinogens though.  Heavy metals like Arsenic, Cadmium and Beryllium are. You might encounter these metals from contaminated drinking water, batteries, mining, welding and other sources. There are many other occupational carcinogens as well. Your body will neutralize and eliminate these if it has efficient detoxification.  If not the toxin can build up in your body and cause serious, even fatal situation.  As Western medicine is catching onto the fact that we are not separate from our environment, but rather that our environment has a significant impact on our health, other toxins leading to other health problems have been identified.

Obesogens—substances in our environment, our medicines, and in our food that can lead to obesity—are a danger that's been understood in naturopathic medicine for quite some time. Recent research published in traditional medical journals are finally confirming what we've known for years. The toxins in your body may be contributing to weight gain and your inability to lose weight. Proper nutrition ('diet") and exercise are still important, both for your weight and for your overall health, but if you have a buildup of obesogens you could be fighting an uphill battle.

Cancer and obesity are just two of the most significant negative health outcomes that can result from a buildup of toxins.  A variety of disorders covering pretty much any symptom you can think of can be trigger, prolonged, and/or exacerbated by the toxins that are not eliminated from your body.  An effective detox might be your first and best step towards improved overall health.


A Supervised Detox Diet is a Safe and Effective Way to Rid Your Body of Toxins

Make sure your detox shakes or pills are not just expensive laxatives. Increasing bowel movements is somewhat effective for toxin elimination. However this is an ineffective and one dimensional approach. While bowel movements can be a limiting factor if you are constipated, more commonly the limiting factor is the toxin removal at the cellular level.

Our education and experience as naturopathic doctors has enabled us to develop a multi-dimensional detox diet that is not only effective, but that is 100% safe. The detox diet can be tailored to your specific needs and your own unique body. Remove the toxic buildup standing between you and the healthy life you deserve. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.