Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Butter, Cholesterol, and The Truth About Healthy Fats

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Tue, Jul 26, 2016 @ 17:07 PM

One of the things we learn as naturopathic doctors and I continue to be reminded of is that the human body is complex and we have to continually refine our understanding of it. Working towards optimal health is a matter of listening to and learning from each individual patient, finding what works best for their bodies in a holistic approach. That doesn't mean we treat patients without relying on our knowledge, insights, and experience—far from it. Instead, it means that alongside all of our experience and understanding, we remain open to new perspectives and new knowledge. We are constantly trying to find scientific explanations for unique and sometimes not so unique health problems.

This is something Western medicine, when used without any additional perspectives and approaches, often struggles with. Instead of new information being quickly incorporated into medical practice, it can take years or even decades for ingrained attitudes and beliefs to change. That's exactly what happened with saturated fats like butter and many other animal-derived fats right now. For decades saturated fats have been blamed for high-cholesterol, heart disease, and other related conditions.

It appears the tide of knowledge in Western medicine is turning, and established medical professionals and journals are beginning to confirm what some have been saying all alone: fats aren't really the culprit, and in fact many fats are actually quite good for you when Incorporated into your diet appropriately.


How the "Butter is Bad" Myth Got Started

The demonization of fats began with one study in the 1950s that had a serious flaw at its heart. The lead researcher behind the study already believed that diets containing saturated fats led to heart disease and clogged arteries, and instead of testing his theory he set out to prove it. When he found evidence that didn't fit his belief he tossed it out, leaving only the data that seemed to support the "fat is bad" theory.

There have always been doctors, nutritionists, and others pointing out the flaws of this study and trying to change the record. However the way research and education in Western medicine are funded made it difficult to make any headway. Once saturated fats had been blamed for heart disease, huge sums of money were spent by the government and for-profit companies in spreading this myth (in an effort to prevent heart disease) and ingraining the dogma. 

Even though everyone thinks fat is bad and they try to keep it low in the diet, problems like obesity, Type II Diabetes, and heart disease are not any better. In fact they have grown worse over the past 50 years in many developed countries, especially in the United States.


Righting the Wrong: Getting Back to an Evidence-Backed Diet

In recent years, a number of major studies carried out by respected researchers and research institutions have finally started to turn the tables on the misinformation we've been fed for years. We now know that the nutritional basis for many diseases are far more complex, that the right saturated fats—including butter—are an important part of a healthy diet, in moderation. Simple and processed carbohydrates are more of a culprit in causing weight gain, negatively impacting heart health, and a wide range of other disorders and diseases. Some people appear to have worsened health profiles from higher fat diets but some will benefit from replacing carbohydrate rich foods with fat rich foods. 

Our naturopathic approach has always emphasized an individualized plan. We've long recognized that saturated fats from healthy animals and plants aren't evil and that processed carbohydrates are. By treating people instead of diseases, it's easy to see what really works when it comes to nutrition. That's why our patients have seen so much success with weight loss, diabetes control, relief from autoimmune disorders and more.

To discuss your personal nutrition and get on the road to eating healthy the right way, please schedule an appointment today.