Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Just Say No to Diet Pills. Try healthy diet programs instead.

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Thu, Sep 18, 2014 @ 13:09 PM

According to the American Heart Association, approximately 35% of U.S. adults -- more than 78 million -- are obese. It’s no wonder that there are hundreds of herbal supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications on the market today that claim to aid weight loss. While many of them help people lose weight, they often do so at great risk. And, in most cases, the weight comes back as soon as the medication is discontinued and even more have been shown to be habit forming.

Let’s take a closer look at how this works.  Most weight loss medications work in one of two ways: by suppressing appetite or by blocking fat absorption.

  • Appetite suppressants use brain chemicals to simulate the feeling of fullness, which results in decreased calorie intake.

  • Fat blockers block the absorption of fat.

Side effects

We can see from the disastrous results of past diet drugs such as fen-phen (a drug that caused serious heart problems for many), that just because a drug is prescribed by a doctor does not mean it is safe.

Ephedra, a botanical extract, is also successful at helping weight loss but because it has a stimulant effect it dramatically increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Most stimulants have the effect of short term appetite suppression. But, when it wears off the person is even hungrier than before. Because stimulants cause you to be more activated; they are also more likely to cause stress and irritability.

The increased cortisol production could lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, and decreased thyroid function which controls your metabolism. In addition, it is also common to see shortness of breath, disturbed sleep, palpitations, increased sweating with these drugs. Using them for an extended period of time may lead to tolerance, requiring higher and higher doses for the same effect. 

Other weight control medications focus on decreasing the caloric absorption through the digestive tract. This may seem like a good idea in theory but these medications often cause severe abdominal cramping, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. Blocking fat absorption also blocks the absorption of fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, vitamin A, etc. The diarrhea that ensues from blocking fat absorption interrupts the entire digestive process and can cause bacterial imbalance. 


As you can see, these drugs may be effective for short term weight loss but clearly, they should be only used sparingly. Only after they had been consumed by millions of Americans were the dangerous side effects revealed. Be wary of appetite suppressants and fat blockers in general and consider exploring other more holistic weight loss options first. 


Obviously, the best course of action to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. For many people, this is easy to say but feels nearly impossible to do. The naturopathic physicians at Southwest Integrative Medicine have helped many patients reach and maintain a healthy weight. Because every one of their treatment plans begins with a thorough investigation of all aspects of the patient’s health history, the doctors gain a better understanding of the physical and mental stresses that impact wellness. Here are a few of the ways a naturopathic doctor may address weight control


You may not be aware of how many of your body functions are controlled by your hormones. For example, sleep, energy level, metabolism, and appetite are all greatly impacted by hormonal imbalance. Standard blood tests may not reveal the problem. In other cases the problem is revealed but the doctor reads it as normal. 


Many patients are unaware of symptoms caused by poor nutrition, including weight gain. Because your body needs certain nutrients to do its job, you may experience a wide array of symptoms that may be directly related to nutritional deficiencies. Did you know that it may not be the amount of food you are eating but how your body responds to it that is the problem? Depending on the situation, a naturopathic physician may use vitamin shots, IV nutrients or dietary guidelines to significantly improve your overall health and weight control.


The energy that runs through your body may be the reason you have a challenge with weight control. This disturbance can cause excess cravings, poor choices, inability to work out because of pain, low energy, or actual decreased metabolic function. Fortunately, for thousands of years acupuncturists have been providing healing for many health issues including weight control. 

If you are looking for an alternative to the mainstream craze of diet pills, so-called natural supplements, and over-the-counter magic potions for weight loss, give Southwest Integrative Medicine a chance to get you back on track. Before you know it you will be making measurable progress toward your goal weight while learning more about the forces that impact your health. Take the first step toward optimal wellness. Call Southwest Integrative Medicine today.