Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Phoenix Weight Loss Dr's Explain Role of Adrenals

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Sat, Oct 27, 2012 @ 19:10 PM

Did you know that adrenal fatigue could be making your weight loss struggles harder? Adrenal fatigue is a condition that results from long periods of stress, anxiety, and/or sleep disturbances. The adrenal glands are in place to adapt to stressors in our environment. This system is designed to deal with temporary stressors rather than ongoing stress, however. This distinction, as we will discuss below, leads to unwanted insulin resistance and weight gain. 


The Progression of Adrenal Fatigue 

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue can vary widely because the condition can present at various stages in its progression. Initially a person that is developing this may feel anxious during the day with poor sleep at night. If there is down time during the day, this person may find themselves falling asleep while watching a movie or reading. There is also a state of confusion and foggy memory with the initially stage of adrenal fatigue. All these symptoms are governed by the release of cortisol and adrenaline in direct proportion to the perceived stressor. For instance deadlines at work, caring for an ill family member, and financial stress put your mind in a state of worry and the adrenals react to this worry by releasing cortisol and adrenaline. Over long periods of stress the cortisol response is depleted and the adrenaline increases to compensate. The lack of cortisol and fluctuating highs and lows of adrenaline are the cause of these symptoms. If the stressors continue, the highs and lows become more pronounced leading to stage two. 

In the second stage of adrenal fatigue there are more of the crash and burn symptoms. The person may be shaky when under pressure during the day, and the pressure is leading to more an more fatigue rather than anxiety. The sleep patterns may be further disturbed with more wakefulness at night. The fatigue leads to artificial relying on caffeine and high-carb snacks to keep you going. If the stress continue with no treatment, eventually this person is further depleted and the adrenaline levels are also reduced in response to stress. A this point in adrenal fatigue the person is completely exhausted during the day and can't sleep at night. Memory and cognition will also suffer. It should be noted that we all have stress but not everyone will get adrenal fatigue. For those that do, there is often a component of weight gain. 


Adrenal fatigue and the weight loss link

In our experience weight gain becomes more of an issue when the adrenals are out of balance for long periods of time. During these stressful periods there is a metabolic change that leads to weight gain and it can be difficult, but not impossible, to reverse. Many experience this as a spare tire” growing larger and larger around the waist despite starting a regular exercise routine. Lets look at how this happens to better understand how weight loss can be achieved.

As discussed above, when your adrenal glands are taxed they produce high levels of adrenaline and cortisol. Both of these inhibit thyroid-stimulating hormones. The cortisol can also lead to reduction in active thyroid hormone, leading to significant under active thyroid and even frank hypothyroidism. Undiagnosed hypothyroidism is a leading cause of weight gain because the thyroid controls your metabolism. With under active thyroid you have under active metabolism. The thyroid is not the only metabolic function that is effected by adrenal fatigue, however.  

Blood sugar balance is another area of the body that is effected. For example, the increase in cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar and it works against your insulin. Longterm increases in cortisol have been linked to insulin resistance because the body has to produce more insulin in the face of all that extra cortisol. Insulin resistance is the underlying syndrome in type 2 diabetes, where your body can't store glucose properly because the cells don't recognize the insulin. Instead ,with insulin resistance the sugars we eat are more readily stored in the abdomen and waist line where the cells are more likely to recognize the insulin. The accumulation of fat there further contributes to insulin resistance and fat storage. By aiming for more of a balanced blood sugar level you can reduce the adrenal imbalance and insulin resistance.


Phoenix weight loss Dr.'s explain "eat to lose weight"

It may come as a surprise to some dieters, but the number one treatment for adrenal health is eating. It is important to realize though that what you eat and when you eat makes a big difference. Keeping your blood sugar as level as possible lightens the load on the adrenal glands. Getting too hungry adds stress to your adrenals, requiring them to secret cortisol. To counter this you should try to eat three balanced (low glycemic index) meals and two snacks per day. It is ideal to eat your largest meal in the morning because eating within one or two hours of waking up helps cortisol from rising too high and relieves the adrenals. Snacking between meals helps moderate the upward slope of cortisol.  

The foods you choose are also important.  People with adrenal fatigue often eat many sweets and caffeine, which offers a quick boost but eventually leads to a drop in energy. If you need a boost in energy throughout the day, choose foods that support your adrenals like nuts, avocado, broccoli, humus, garlic, ginger and lean protein. Do your best to avoid refined grains and simple sugars. Foods that are high in fiber and protein are best. 

Other Natural Methods 

If you want to heal your adrenals, it will take some time and TLC, that means, eating right exercising, and getting plenty of rest and relaxation. For rest you will need eight to nine hours of sleep a night. For some this may not be possible at first, but work on it. Taking a nap when possible is okay. Regular exercise is important because it repairs your metabolism, but be careful not to put too much stress your system as it can be counter productive. Try to work physical activity into your daily life by walking more, playing with your children, or cleaning your home. Breathing exercises and meditation are helpful methods for controlling stress.  Breathe deeply three or four times through your nose in order to slow your heart rate and calm your body. Do this several times per day, especially when you are under lots of stress. Find other ways to relax throughout the day sipping tea, taking breaks, talking with friends, and getting fresh air. 

The many stresses in our daily lives may lead to adrenal fatigue which can lead to weight gain and lack of energy. Unsuccessful attempts at weight loss can be stressful, creating a cycle of adrenal and other hormone imbalances. Once you have healed your adrenals and got your hormones balanced, the weight will come off more easily and your energy will come back too.


To learn more about how we re-balance hormones and adrenal glands, click on the link below for a free consultation with a phoenix weight loss doctor.