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Natural Solutions for High Cholesterol

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Sat, Sep 29, 2012 @ 15:09 PM

Natural solutions for high choletsterol is a great place to start for elevated cholesterl but to prevent cardiovascular diseaase, you need to look beyond high cholesterol. The cholesterol in your body comes from two places, the liver produces cholesterol and cholesterol enters the body through consuming animal products containing cholesterol. We know that when this cholesterol is in excess, it gets deposited in the arteries and leads to cardiovascular problems. However the process of cholesterol creating cardiovascular disease is more complex than just "too much choleterol". We know for instance that approximatly 50% of patents with normal cholesterol and blood pressure are at risk for a cardiovascular event. Still cholesterol is important and having natural solutions for high cholesterol are too. 

The role of cholesterol 

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring fat found in the bloodstream and throughout your body. Cholesterol has many important functions in the human body. It's part of our cell membranes, needed to form hormones, and has many other functions in the body. However when it comes to heart health too high level of cholesterol is unhealthy and can contribute to cardiovascular disease. 

Many phoenix doctors often refer only to good and bad cholesterol, but there is more to cholesterol than the good and the bad. The type of cholesterol that is bad is the low density lipoprotein, or LDLs. High density lipoprotein — HDLs or good cholesterol — helps reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease by taking bad cholesterol back to the liver to be eliminated. More advanced lipid panels show that there are actually more than two different forms cholesterol. There are several different forms of good and several differnt forms of the bad. Knowing which types you have and in what proportions can be helpful in your quest for managing cholesterol naturally

Natural solutions for high cholesterol and role of diet.

Since LDL cholesterol enters the bloodstream through food, the best natural method to lower LDL cholesterol is to change the amount that you eat. Animal products such as eggs, meats, and milk contain excessive cholesterol. Eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds will help reduce the intake of cholesterol. These help by lowering consumption of cholesterol and the high fiber binds the cholesterol and prevents absorptions into your body. 

When you are looking for natural solutions for high choelsterol the plan should address both lowering the bad and raising the good cholesterol. Sometimes this amounts to changing diet strategies on a whole. For instance you may have been told to "reduce fats" to lower cholesterol. While this may be partially true, it is very one dimensional. The overall goal is to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. We now know that inflammation, stress, blood pressure, and arterial responsiveness all play a role in this process. There are many other dietary strategies (outside reducing saturated fat) to adress all of the above. There may be a dietary imbalance in omega 3 fatty acids, or you may have reduced your fat intake but are consuming too many sugars.  All these factors contribute to poor health and can exacerbate the impact of high cholesterol levels. We have to remeber we are not treating high cholesterol we are preventing cardiovascular events.


Other Natural Solutions for High Cholesterol

Exercising regularly helps increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in the body. The increased HDLs help transport LDLs back to the liver, where it is excreted out of the body. Some HDL particles are more helpful in this process than others but all are good. For those with more risk testing the different HDLs is a good idea. Regular moderate intensity physical activities will not only help burn the excess calories but will also help relax the muscles in the blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure.

Several spices and herbs may be beneficial in lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol. Garlic, for instance, has been shown to lower the bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acid's found in wild cold water fish, can help improve overall lipids. Another substance known as resveratrol, which is found in some types of dark berries, reduces cholesterol production in the liver and also reduces the depositing of cholesterol on the walls of the blood vessels. 

Sterols are another class of compounds that help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Sterols are present in high concentrations in root vegtables. So, a diet rich in plants will help in the reducing LDL cholesterol. 

When looking for high cholesterol natural solutions keep in mind that there is more to preventing cardiovascular diseas than cholesterol and blood pressure. To learn more about this, click below for our free report on