Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Acupuncture Phoenix | Acupuncture for Depression

Written by Robin Terranella | Mon, Sep 03, 2012 @ 16:09 PM

Our physical feelings are often the direct reflection of our mental and emotional well being.  Depression can have detrimental effects on the physical body. Not only is it a depression of the biochemistry of the brain, and your mood, it can also depress the immune system, allowing physical ailments to take up residence. Acupuncture for depression can help the
energy in our body and brain re-establish balance. 

If you worry, reside in a constant state of stress, or don't take important time for rest and relaxation, your body will begin to feel poorly as a result. Acupuncture can help to release these heavy and toxic feelings by changing your energetic state to a more balanced state. The balance leads to better choices and better choices leads to better self esteem and mood.  Let's explore acupuncture for depression in a little more detail and compare it to some conventional treatment options.  


Acupuncture for Depression and Anxiety 

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental and emotional conditions reported in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 5 people experience depression! Unfortunately, countless commercials - and doctors lured by the multi billion dollar pharmaceutical industry - will lead you to believe that prescription drugs are your only answer.  While prescription drugs do have their place with certain conditions, they can also have equally or more potent side-effects than the original symptoms of depression.  What doctors don't always tell you is that research has shown antidepressants are often not much more effective than the placebos for mild or moderate depression. 

Usually, the antidepressants mask the underlying problems that leads to depression and/or anxiety. This is likely the reason you see such poor results in the research. With cognitive behavioral therapy and other therapies like EMDR, you see statistically significant improvements in mood. In conjunction with medication, these therapies can be even more beneficial. However medications to treat anxiety and depression can create symptoms of unease and discomfort like headaches, flushing, blurry vision, upset stomach, and other neurological symptoms. With Acupuncture for depression you can avoid all these symptoms and still get the benefit of improved mood. 

Acupuncture treats depression by circulating the Qi - or life force - in the body.  Often, negative emotions and feelings in the body come about from blocked energy channels.  Re-balancing the flow of energy helps to release these blockages. Once healthy energy flow is restored, and the body has released unhealthy mind/body patterns, patients will begin to feel their mind more calm and centered.  Acupuncture for anxiety and acupuncture for depression can help you manage your mental and emotional health. 


Acupuncture Relieves Depression Symptoms

The symptoms of depression often go unrecognized until they become debilitating.  If you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms, contact a naturopathic doctor who can provide relief of the underlying mental unease you are experiencing.

Common Symptoms of Depression Include:

  • Feeling sad or unhappy for extended periods of time
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Lack of sex drive
  • Easily irritated or frustrated, even over small things
  • Fatigue or constant lethargy
  • Lack of desire to do things that used to interest you
  • Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or constantly living in the past wishing you could rectify or set things right
  • Continuous thoughts of suicide and death, or a desire for death to relieve you of your burdens
  • Inability to concentrate or make decisions
  • Physical ailments with no apparent cause such as headaches, stomach aches, or back pain
  • Change in appetite and/or dietary habits
  • Anger management issues

When choosing an acupuncturist, always look for the initials LAc or Dipl. Acu. in their credentials.  This indicates that they are Licensed Acupuncturists or have a degree in acupuncture. There are rigorous education and training requirements to become a Licensed Acupuncturist Arizona.  It is imperative that your body be treated by someone who is well versed and thoroughly trained to ensure safe and healthy acupuncture treatment. 


Acupuncture for Depression can help you find joy in your life again, click on the link below for a free consult with a trained Phoenix Acupuncture doctor.