Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

Advantages Of Integrative Medicine Arizona

Written by Robin Terranella | Sat, May 26, 2012 @ 21:05 PM

People are steadily learning about the benefits and efficacy of integrative medicine in Arizona. Over the last few years there has been a growing amount of discontent with the side effects of conventional medication. As a result there has been a growing urge among people, healthy and sick, to find treatments that pose less risk than conventional medicine. 

With the emergence of integrative medicine Arizona patients have new medical solutions without the need of being anxious of the adverse effects but with the reassurance that they have scientific validity. Integrative medicine is defined by the national institue of complementary and alternative medicine as combining mainstream medical therapies with CAM therapies. CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies being anything outside conventional medical treatment. The benefits of such an approach to medicine clearly outweight any risks and leave the patient with the least invasive treatments to safely manage their medical issues.  


1. Holistic in Nature

Integrative medicine considers the patient’s history, present lifestyle, state of mind, energy levels, and various other factors while charting out a course of treatment. Health is not static and goes beyond what we can physically measure. Integrative medicine doctors will carefully consider all possible areas that can impact ones health. 


2. Less Invasive Treatments

By enhancing the body's ability to heal itself, you can avoid treatments that will do more harm than good. On the other hand when you have a life threatening or potentially serious condition that requires invasive surgeries or medicines, they are readily available to you. With integrative medicine, Arizona residents can expect to find appropriate uses of both conventional and alternative medicines. For instance Naturopathic Doctors Arizona will look critically at all treatment options and advise you on what will best for your situation. 

3. An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

This quote by Benjamin Franklin is just as true today as it was one he spoke it and is a critical aspect of integrative medicine. Integrative medicine doctors will not only advise you on how to improve your health today, but they will also keep you aware and advised on how to prevent future illness. Often times there are practical things you can do to prevent genetic predispositions. Other times with integrative medicine, Arizona residents find new ways to reach more optimal states of health. 


4. A Partnership in Health

Integrative medicine doctors will take a genuine interest in you as there philosophy seeks a partnership with you. For most this shift in partnering with their doctor is a welcome change. We believe it is a natural and critical one as your doctor must know you and your needs to fully help you. 


While there are many other benefits of integrative medicine, it has to be noted that such courses and treatments must be administered by someone who is a specialist in this area. Not everyone has the experience and knowledge base to offer a holistic and integrative approach to treatment. Naturopathic doctors in Arizona are ones whom you can trust with integrative medicine since they specialize in this territory.

Integrative medicine can support the body's natural ability to heal itself, reduces stress, promote a state of relaxation, decreases pain, reduces or eliminates sleep problems, prevent many chronic diseases, enhances immune system function, decreases those chronic nagging problems related to diet or allergies, lowers blood pressure, improves bowel function, and lessens anxiety or depression.


The above advantages of integrative medicine are not an exhaustive but illustrate a few of the unique ways of approaching health. From this one can easily see the significance of Naturopathic Doctors Arizona and Integrative Medicine Arizona.