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Phoenix Acupuncture Doctors Compare 3 Types of Acupuncture.

Written by Dr. Christy Cline | Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 14:07 PM

Acupuncture is a fairly new practice in western medicine.  Whether or not you've sought acupuncture for pain relief or stress management, you probably know someone who has.  There are three common types of acupuncture:  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 5 Element Acupuncture, and Japanese Acupuncture (or meridian therapy).  While they're all rooted in the ancient practices of Chinese medicine, each one has it's own branch on the healing tree.

As Phoenix Acupuncture doctors, we would like to briefly explain these three common healing methods so you have an idea of what system might work best for you. It is important to note that each acupuncturist will have his/her own take so there can be slight variances even within each style.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Phoenix acupuncture doctors use TCM as one system for managing clients' health. TCM is an ancient system of medicine, that takes the laws of nature and applies them to the human body.  It is believed to have been practiced in China a long as two thousand years ago. This system is based on the fundamental principle of Qi, or life energy, and the importance of balance and flow throughout the body.  When Qi is blocked anywhere along the meridians, the body will express symptoms.  The main job of the TCM practitioner is to find the disharmony in the body, and use acupuncture or chinese herbs to harmonize the body. Therefore, illness, is considered to be a manifestation of disharmony.  TCM also works to balance the Yin and Yang, as well as the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water), within the body.  Historically, practitioners used their understanding of nature and applied that to the human body. The acupuncturist looks at the major organ systems in the body, such as, spleen, lung, liver, and heart, and looks for any imbalance in these organ systems according to the principals of qi, yin, yang, or the elements. So, from the interview, presenting symptoms, and tongue and pulse diagnosis, the practitioner comes up with a traditional chinese medicine diagnosis that then determines the acupuncture points to be used, to treat that diagnosis or underlying pattern of dysfunction.


5 Element Acupuncture

This style of acupuncture was developed by J.R. Worsley in the mid 20th century and focuses on the connection between the mind, body, and spirit.  Phoenix acupuncture doctors using this method will be more likely to address the psycho-spiritual connections that exists between balanced health and unbalanced disease.  It is believed, that by balances the psycho-spiritual dimension in the person, the whole body will shift to a better state of balance. It is also noted that the core reason for taking this approach is that as industry and technology has made things much easier on the physical body, the spiritual and mental aspects of our daily lives have become more difficult. It is from this premise that 5 Element Acupuncture focuses on the spiritual and mental aspects of one's being. It is not that the physical aspects are not important but more that mental and emotional issues are that source of many physical ailments compared to 100-200 years ago. 

As an example we know that stress plays a large role in digestion, neck and back pain, headaches, TMJ, poor sleep, poor eating, etc.  Arizona 5 Element Acupuncture doctors address the underlying stress, and use acupuncture as part of a healing therapy for releasing that stress thus promoting balance for both your body and your spirit.  They do this by using a system of restoring balance to the five elements within by determining the causative factor. 

This principle of causative factor, or CF, is another that sets classical five element acupuncture apart from others systems of acupuncture.  The CF is thought to be the root factor of a persons dis-ease and illness, and may stem from childhood or emotional experiences.  The CF correlates to a particular element in nature (wood, fire, earth, metal, water), for example wood, and the practitioner selects points that will correspond with wood and the elements affected by wood. Through determining the major elemental imbalance the practitioner works to restore balance.  Determining a CF takes a highly skilled practitioner with special training in classical five element acupuncture. These practitioner's are trained in asking thorough questions, careful listening, notice particular smells or colors, and especially assessing the pulses to determine the elemental imbalance.  


Japanese Acupuncture

This system focuses more traditionally on the physical body. Needle insertions are often shallower than in TCM and 5 Element. Japanese style acupuncture doctors will try to use the least number of insertions/stimulation for the most powerful effect. They will isolate specific acupuncture points that will be be more potent than others and places more emphasis on these points for your treatment. This approach is used in 5 element too but not to the same degree.

The Japanese Acupuncturist uses moxa, cupping, and blood letting, but just like their needling technique, they do these modalities with absolute precision and minimalist intention.  For example, a TCM acupuncture may use moxa the size of ping pong ball, where the Japanese practitioner will use an amount about the size of a sesame.  (Moxa refers to the herb mugwort that is dried up and fluffed. The acupuncturist can then burn a small amount to driving heat into the body thereby stimulating and soothe the flow of qi.)

It is thought that the Japanese style of acupuncture reflects Japanese culture with it's tradition of minimalism (Zen Buddhism) and elegance.  If you have never seen a Japanese Tea ceremony, check it out on You Tube, and you will see exactly what we mean by minimalism and elegance.

These three acupuncture styles all view the human body as a holistic entity and acknowledge that the body is a vessel for Qi, or life energy.  Uncomfortable symptoms and diseases are manifestations of imbalance, and/or disharmony.  Once balance is restored, the body can usually heal itself.

Important Note:  5 Element and Japanese Acupuncture styles are specialized techniques that require additional training.  Make sure that your acupuncture doctor is properly trained in these methods before you seek treatment.

Ask your acupuncture 
Phoenix doctor about how one, or more, of these acupuncture styles can benefit you or click on the link below for a free consultation with one of our Phoenix acupucntre doctors.