Phoenix Naturopathic Medicine Blog | Southwest Integrative Medicine

How to Choose the Best Phoenix Acupuncturists

Written by Dr. Robin Terranella | Thu, Jan 19, 2017 @ 17:01 PM

While acupuncture has been practiced in the Far East for centuries, the Western world has only recently begun viewing it both as a viable treatment option and a tool for achieving greater overall wellness. Not surprisingly, as this ancient modality has gained greater acceptance, the number of practitioners offering the service has also increased significantly. Unfortunately, not all acupuncturists are created equal.

So, how can you know which are the best Phoenix acupuncturists and which ones may not be quite as qualified?

Finding the Best Phoenix Acupuncturists

Credentials – First and foremost, you want to be certain that the provider you choose is specifically qualified and properly licensed to perform acupuncture. Narrow down your options to include only those with LAc credentials or a degree in acupuncture. This means that they are licensed acupuncturists and have received 3000 hours of training in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine training.


Experience – Sure, everybody has to start somewhere, but are you really willing to put your health and wellness on the line for someone who is just starting out? The best Phoenix acupuncturists are those who possess years of hands-on experience. Furthermore, as with other types of medicine, the use of acupuncture to treat certain conditions, such as infertility and chronic diseases, requires a level of expertise that can only be attained through clinical experience.



Technique – If you’re not yet familiar, acupuncture treatments involve the use of very fine, sterile stainless-steel needles which are precisely placed in the skin in locations that relate to the particular condition being addressed. Without adequate training in the proper technique, your acupuncturist may cause more pain than is necessary to be effective. That’s why it’s so important to choose a practitioner who knows precisely where and how to place the needles for least pain and most effective treatment.


Approach – Just as not all acupuncturists possess the same level of training and expertise, they don’t all necessarily have the same end-goal in mind either. Many approach acupuncture treatments as a tool for addressing and eliminating symptoms that are more immediate in nature. The best Phoenix acupuncturists, on the other hand, will also focus not just on the current situation, but will also look at the bigger picture, leveraging acupuncture to improve a patient’s present and long-term wellness.


Communication – Last but not least, communication is also an important factor to consider. While it may seem wise to seek treatment from acupuncturists who hail from areas of the world where the practice originated, things like language barriers and other miscommunications could potentially become a problem. For instance, it can be difficult to relay your symptoms, ask questions and get answers to your concerns when you don’t speak the same language, which can ultimately impact the quality of care.


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If you’re interested in exploring the world of acupuncture and all the amazing benefits it has to offer, the list above should help you narrow down your options to make a more informed decision. The acupuncturists at Southwest Integrative Medicine have spent more than 1,500 hours in intensive acupuncture training, possess 10 years of experience and are fully licensed. If you’re looking for the best Phoenix acupuncturists, look no further. Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help get you on the path to better health.